Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Low

I may have sunk to a new low...It's after 4 a.m. and I'm watching a show called Guilianna and Bill. Guilianna is talking about sausages at the sausage counter, and the things she's saying are most likely bringing her to a new low. Let's just say the butcher is looking very confused about her "Italian sausage" statements.
Chris comes in around 6:45 a.m. and this show is still on; I explain I've sunk to a new low in my television viewing.
Christy: "I've sunk to a new low."
Chris: "What are you watching."
Christy: "Guilianna and Bill."
Chris: "Who are Guilianna and Bill?"
Christy: "You know, the guy who won the first "The Apprentice" and Guilianna is one of those people who stands up and talks on E! What are those people called that stand and talk?"
Chris: "You mean an anchor or a host?"
Christy: "I guess she's a host of a show on E!. She wouldn't be an anchor because anchors don't stand."
Chris: "Sure they do. Anchors stand all the time."
Christy: "Well. Still, she's no anchor."

Hey, at least I'm not ordering things off QVC or Paid Programming. Yet.

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